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Summer Journal Prompts 2024: Part 1

Summer Series Journal Prompts- Part 1 1. What are my favorite sounds and smells of summer? How do they evoke positive memories and emotions? 🌞 Although not a huge fan of bugs, the sounds of buzzing summer insects and the quietness of the lightning bugs just say summer to me. The smell of freshly cut grass ready for play or lounging and the sound of motorboats flowing through the nearby river waters are pleasant and storybook-like. There’s also something about catching a summer sunset or sunrise that’s soothing and quiet. Those few moments right before the world rests and wakes give me the feeling of hope for a new day dawning. Photo by Pixabay 2. What are my top three intentions for this summer, and how will they help me prioritize self-care?  🌞 My top three intentions this summer are to prioritize boundaries, rest, and creativity. I'll be starting coursework this fall to complete my associate's degree, so establishing boundaries around my availability and time for studying w

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