Creativity In Motion


Welcome to 'Creativity in Motion' Page! If you're not following across platforms, no worries – this is your quick snapshot. Catch previews here, and feel free to follow links, and comment if something speaks to you. Remember, I'll update every two weeks so stay inspired!

Updated 7.10.24

July 2024

Personal Update: The month of July began with preparations for an upcoming funeral due to the loss of a family member. Aware of the potential for overexertion through unprocessed grief, I directed my energy toward personal projects rather than outside commitments. I managed to channel some of that energy into self-care by taking a short trip out of town. Then, upon my return helped me get into a better headspace, allowing me to work on a new design for my next Create Season Studio Summer/Fall craft bookmarks. Check out my short video Taking A Break From News of Loss on YouTube. 

Practical Creative LivingAfter nearly nine months of prioritizing creativity and activities I enjoy, this shift has proven to be a major win for me. For many years, I let other circumstances overwhelm my need for creative engagement, but I believe I have finally found a sweet spot of consistency with this new approach. Read more.

Shop List: Highlighting my new Shop List page! It features craft art, digital resources, my summer decluttering project, home goods, clothing, and accessories. Updated weekly, this page showcases my passion for exploring e-commerce, blending creativity and artistic expression with the merchandising of second-hand items. Read more!

Staying Organized: You don't see or hear people talking about this much anymore since so much of our technology has evolved to manage life and lifestyle through our devices. However, as I have committed myself this year to simplifying life and reevaluating my need for digital access and services, I have resurrected the idea of having a home binder. Read more!

Subscribe: I send out a new email newsletter once a month! This year will be centered around simplistic living, decluttering and making progress in your creative endeavors. Read the May newsletter sample now!

Book Club Reading: We're moving on to June/July reading 'The Artist Way' and 'Walking in this World' by Julia Cameron. Reignite and reconnect with your creative being. View the current list for 2024 by visiting my mini-book clubAlso learn more about my new hobby, collecting used books to resell.

Digital Guide: As a remote professional, I decided to rebrand my services to focus on operational efficiency and flow practices for hobbies, business, and personal life. One common pain point is managing an overflow of emails without starting from scratch. This is a common hurdle, but it can be remedied more quickly than you might think. If you're facing this issue, check out my guide, "Declutter Your Email Inbox Fast" It's a quick path to a stress-free digital life.

Love what you see so far? Here are several ways you can show your continued support!
  1. 📚 Share a blog post or follow me on social media.
  2. ☕ Buy me a coffee to fuel my creative endeavors.
  3. 💬 Read and comment on my blog posts to keep the conversation alive.
  4. 💌 Ask others to subscribe to my newsletter (one email a month).
  5. 🎨 Purchase a craft or explore my digital worksheets (more to come).
  6. Visit my daily musing on the Threads app!
  7. Visit my Shop List for more personal items for sale.


Want more info, have questions or want to work with me? Just drop me a line below!


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