
It's the journey of a life artist.

I refer to this blog and my posts as 'intuitively guided' because, unlike traditional blogs, I allow myself to engage in writing as my creative intuition leads. There isn't a linear approach but a lesson-to-lesson approach to what I share, and it all connects back to creativity in some way, shape, or form. Frankly, that's enough for me!

aCreativeLife By Nherie is more than just a blog - it's like a cozy corner filled with down-to-earth tips for tackling life's twists and turns while keeping your creativity alive. Think of it as a place where all the highs and lows blend together to create a beautiful patchwork, showing just how resilient us creative souls can be!

Let's take a short look back.

Since 2017, my journey of creative self-discovery has been my guiding star. If you've explored my older posts on Living a Life of Creativity (still around but in archive mode), you've seen firsthand the magic of digital journaling—a place where healing happens organically. Now, this space is morphing into A Creative Life by Nherie, where reflective writing is at the core, not only capturing my own experiences but also inviting you to share yours.

So, what's this all about?

This isn't just about the artistic strokes; it's about the reality of managing day-to-day life as a small creative craft business owner , and remote professional and a mother. Here, I'll be exploring the delicate dance between passion projects and the demands of a bustling creative life, as well as the 'glimmers' and challenges of resilience and in no one particular order. Because as life is every-flowing, so are my ideas and the good news is, here you can and will find a flow and consistency in how I show up to the page. 

Amidst the hustle, this blog serves as a chronicle of my endeavors to stay connected to my multiple passions. I'm learning to live and love my life in the here and now while working on the creative person I am becoming.

And here's what's new for me in 2024.

I have recently joined the Amazon affiliate program, and you can review my disclosure at any time. This enables me to earn a commission on items and products that align with my niche and thematic focus, while also exploring new avenues for creativity. 

Despite managing this site solely for almost 7 years without this additional income stream, it finally felt appropriate to incorporate it into my offerings. I am excited about the opportunity to grow and learn more about my potential with this new addition. This site won't host the traditional AdSense-type marketing since it really isn't that type of blog.

With that said, I have identified 6 ways that you might be the audience for this humble blog:
  • Creatives who seek inspiration and guidance.
  • Micro-business or Hobby business enthusiasts and owners running small creative or craft businesses.
  • Parents, especially mothers, juggling multiple roles.
  • Individuals interested in personal growth and self-discovery.
  • Those inspired by stories of resilience and overcoming challenges.
  • Advocates of mindful living seeking practical ideas.
Reinvent and reimagine your journey alongside mine and learn more about me here



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